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Advocacy Caregivers Politics Training

Family Caregiver Day at the Capitol March 30th, 2017

Family Caregiver Day at the Capitol March 30th, 2017

Family Caregiver Day at the Capitol March 30th, 2017

Sponsored by the Arizona Caregiver Coalition

Caregivers may be partners, family members, or close friends. Most often, they’re not trained for the caregiver job. Many times, they’re the lifeline of the person with the diagnosis.  Consequently, caregivers will put their lives on hold or adjust their work schedule to care for their loved ones, oftentimes creating an economic burden.

Finances are reduced due to out-of-pocket caregiving expenses.  63{6b49c37fd8eab0bc15be20755210b2b23baec09c926f746112670cd0e90b73d7} of Arizona caregivers use their own money to help provide care, per AARP.

Caregivers will reduce hours or quit the workforce all together.  According to AARP, 68{6b49c37fd8eab0bc15be20755210b2b23baec09c926f746112670cd0e90b73d7} of Arizonians will modify their work schedule. MetLife reports that family caregivers (age 50 and older) who leave the workforce to care for a parent lose, on average, nearly $304,000 in wages and benefits over their lifetime. These estimates range from $283,716 for men to $324,044 for women.

One way to get involved is through advocacy and learning about current and proposed legislation that will impact caregivers and their finances.

You are invited to learn to be an advocate for family caregivers and their loved ones through our advocacy training workshop, hear from state representatives about the legislative process, share your experience as a caregiver, and show your support for HB2209 and SB1301 which would implement a Family Caregiver Income Tax Credit.  

When: Thursday, March 30th, 2017

11:30 am – 2:00 pm (Lunch provided by AARP to registered attendees)

Where: Arizona Capitol Museum 11:30 pm – 2:00 pm

1700 W. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ   Room #200

How: Register online  Seating is limited.  (Lunch provided to registered attendees.)


Or Call: Cindy Findley 602-542-6593

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