This Arizona Family Caregiver Action Plan (2025-2028) has been written to addressthe root causes of the challenges facing our family/informal caregivers. The planwas inspired by the RAISE2 Family Caregivers Act and the subsequent 2022 NationalStrategy to Support Family Caregivers. Initiated by the Arizona Caregiver Coalition, itis the work of a broad coalition of leaders representing dozens of organizations andagencies, and it has been informed by the voices and lived experiences of Arizona’sdiverse caregivers.The plan recommends collective action by the public, private, and nonprofit/philanthropic sectors to effect change in programs, policy, and public awareness.Work groups composed of these organizations will develop implementationstrategies and identify funding. The plan is organized around three priorities:
1. Access to Services: Build a system of streamlined, accessible, trauma informed,and culturally appropriate services that give caregivers support on Day One.
2. Outreach and Awareness: Conduct advocacy and outreach that raises awarenessof caregiving within the state, and shapes policy and practices in support offamily caregivers.
3. Education: Offer comprehensive, community building, multilingual, multi-cultural education and training.